Well, here are my ghosts.. There's not too many of them.
My very first usenet posting appears to be this:
a test message. How nice. I remember that I got a lot of spam for posting this. This was before the word spam was associated with spam. August 1, 1996
Looks like I went straight to forums about what entertained me at the time - talk radio.
Jeff Levy. He had some deal with the ISP I was working at.. he'd come by the office from time to time. He didn't impress us much. Oct 9, 1996
I remember mr. kfi (now mr. kabc), but I have no idea who david hall is. Oct 9, 1996.
Ahh, alt.Tasteless.jokes. I remember reading this thing a lot, but I didn't remember posting in it. Apparently, I did.
My ass is an exit only. Oct 17, 1996.
My first practical use of usenet appears to have been technical support.
Javascript question. Oct 17. 1996.
Doing the tech support thing a couple years later. Jan 5, 1998.
I was briefly active in tech support forums. I only vaguely remember this stuff.
Lusers? wow.. how clever. April 15, 1997.
Sounding off about a tech support call I got. That is actually the only call I still remember. April 18, 1997.
Whacks vs. Backs. April 11, 1997.
You're an idiot and you shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard. April 9, 1997
Billy Joel stuff. This is cool.
His new stuff isn't as good as his old stuff, but he's not lazy. I don't remember this at all. Jun 23, 1997.
Offering to be helpful. again. Jun 20, 1997.
I was playing with the toastmasters groups, back when I was involved.
Here I am blabbing about some stuff nobody cared about. Feb 12, 2002.
Answering a quorum question. How exciting. Feb 14, 2002.
I guess I was trying to be helpful. Feb 12, 2002.
I like PB too. Feb 25, 2002.
More recently, I was going to be an EMT after the ski patrol thing didn't work out.
heh. politics and emergency services. Don't remember this at all. Apr 5, 2003
Other stuff..
My sister registered libertarian and decided to announce it on the internet. This is me congratulating her, probably a year after the post. Feb 21, 2003
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