Joe loves his SushiAs of today, I have officially entered the lottery to enter the NYC marathon in 2008.
This is my fourth year entering the lottery, and my third consecutive year. So far I am 0 for 3 BUT if I don't get picked this year I should have a guaranteed entry in 2009, due to missing three consecutive years. I hope it doesn't come to that but if it does, I'm already psyched to finally get in. And I will do a big city ginormous marathon in 2008 - if not New York, then probably Chicago or Marine Corps. Philadelphia was a large marathon with about 10,000 people, but not a huge one. Las Vegas had only 6000 people doing the full 26.2. Self-Transcendence and Breakers marathons were both under 800. So I haven't had a huge marathon yet..
I will be entering the Grand Teton 50 miler on Labor Day weekend. More on that later. Yes, I am still doing the Vermont 50m on September 30th.
I have also committed to attempting to pull a 160-lb load up the sherburne trail to tuckerman ravine in New Hampshire. I rigged up a sled over the weekend, and will be training by skinning up campgaw with the sled fully loaded with snow. If I make it all the way to the bowl, I will enter the Pittsfield Peaks Death Race in June.
So my race calendar now has something to look forward to every month in 2008, at least until ski season starts:
April 11: Tuckerman Ravine
April 20: Lake Waramaug 50K Connecticut
May 18: Mountainman Duathlon run 9.76K, bike 36.6K, run 4.85K Ascutney, VT
June: Pittsfield Peaks death race
July 19: Vermont 100 (I'm going to pace somebody over the last 50K or so)
August 30: Grand Teton 50 mile endurance run
September 28: Vermont 50 Mile endurance run Ascutney Vt
Sept-Oct (date hasn't been set yet): Pfalz point challenge 10 miles, gunks
November 2: NYC Marathon (if I get in - if not, some other major gigantic marathon like Chicago or Marine Corps)