we're lucky that rex didn't notice the flash, and instead ate a kid from westchester
Hi Everyone,
This is the obligatory post that I referred to yesterday. I've broken 280!
Gee, it's been something like six months since I broke 290.
Since there's really nothing else to write about on that topic, I guess I'll just throw out there some of the stuff that I've been thinking about.
My daily rate of weight loss up until this point is actually about 2.4lbs per day - but much of that is due to water loss. Wouldn't it be great if I could maintain 2lbs per day from now to the 15th? I would be 244lbs.. wow.. as great as that sounds, it's almost certainly a pipe dream. It's actually well below my "dream goal" of 250lbs by that date. What I'm actually shooting for, and which I'm not sure is possible, is the "aggressive goal" of 255lbs - which means 23 lbs in 17 days - 1.35 lbs per day. (10 lbs per week would be about 1.4 lbs per day.) I might have to convince myself to be satisfied, however, with the more realistic goal of 260 by the 15th - 18lbs in 17 days.
But forget realism! What about aggressiveness??
This saturday: 275 - totally possible, just 1lb per day for the rest of the week will get me there, and I've been averaging over 2.
Next saturday: 265
Saturday the 15th: 255.
that would be a worthy goal.
BTW, 259 is where my body-mass-index goes from "OBESE" to "OVERWEIGHT."
The way I see it, the only thing that could derail my plan is the plateau. Long-time readers of my blog will recall the 301 plateau - I was losing weight very quickly, really shooting to finally break the 300 barrier. I was getting really excited, when, at 301, I just stopped losing weight, and despite my best efforts, that damned scale refused to drop below 300. When it finally did after over a week, as happy as I was, the frustration that i experienced drained me to the point that I wasn't willing to maintain the calorie restriction. slowly returning to a normal diet, I did break 290, and flirted a couple of times with 285, but have spent most of my time right between 287 and 292. It actually worked out, because in those six months I went into Marathon Training Mode and completed three marathons.
Whatever. If I plateau at 251, I'll just remember where I am now and deal with it. (:
Tonight we're going into the city for dinner with some friends, and I understand that there will be a buffet. Limiting my portions will be a good test of my constitution. In the meantime, I guess I'll fast for the day until tonight.
PS: 269.8 is only 8.8 lbs away!