joey's self-portrait
just some quick updates...
This weekend, I am running my first ultra - a 50K (31 mile) in Connecticut, at the lake waramaug ultras. If anyone will be around, please say hi.
I have added to my calendar two new events: a walkathon for cancer, and a century ride. in the walkathon, you have 18 hours. my impression is that most people only go for a small portion of that (someone from the team needs to be on the track at all times, that's the only requirement), but i'm kind of interested in the moving all night aspect of many 100-milers, and maybe this thing will be an opportunity to do that on a smaller scale.
also added is a century, a 100-mile bicycle ride in june. and since my judgement is totally out of whack, i may go for the 145 mile nyc to montauk option. we'll see.
had my first race of the year this last weekend:
hook mountain half marathon in 2:27:58
april total thus far: 33 miles run/walked.
total in 2008 to date: 104.5 miles
finally, i was really inspired watching a documentary on the badwater ultra, called 'running on the sun.' go check it out if you haven't already.
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