gotta complain about the ny road runners club though.. let me tell ya - they have no luv for the back of the pack. they advertised that the race would have services for anyone who completes in under 3 hours - they didn't. at least two aid stations were shut down as I passed, and solid refreshments (fruit) at the finish line were completely gone. my wife overheard another back-of-the-packer (an old-timer) say, "the club hasn't been the same ever since fred lebow died."
still, I am very happy with the way this half-marathon went. I had about a 12:30 pace in a 13.1-mile run with some killer hills (another complaint about the nyrrc is the advertised this course as flat - it wasn't even close.) I'm not sure that I could have maintained that pace for another 13.1 miles - so I'll really have to get some training in for the full marathon in december, and also try to back the pace off to about 13 minutes/mile.
I ran the entire race, even the hills. Never stopped to walk, not even once.
official results:
First Name STEVEN
Sex/Age M30
Bib 7823
State NY
Overall Place 3557 (3667 finishers total, no word on # of starters)
Gender Place 2187 (2229 men)
Age Place 833 (842 in my sex/age division)
Finish Time 2:45:32
Net Time 2:40:55
Pace/Mile 12:17
AG Time 2:40:55 (Time adjusted for age)
AG GenderPlace 2215 (places adjusted for age)
AG % 36.7 % (age-adjusted ratio to world-record time)
Highlights of the race:
I beat Larry the Lighthouse
Looking good before the start:
Not looking quite as good at mile 13.07:
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