Mar 29, 2007

2007-03-29 - my first day back

Well, cravings are back, as expected. Hopefully, they won't last two weeks like last time. Actually, they don't seem very bad at all.

I am very dissapointed to report that I broke 1000 calories today - had 1029, to be exact. That damn banana I put in my shake at the end of the day killed me. The spread was ok, though - 46% protein, 38% carbs, 16% fat. 22 grams of fiber.. probably more than I had the whole time I was in aspen. (:

the good news is that i'm almost out of the vanilla mrp packets that have been in my cupboard for two years now. i insist on using them up rather than throwing them out or letting them sit in the cupboard another two years, even though they're pretty high in calories - 260 - which is 26% of my calories for the day - in just one ingredient in one meal. i'm going to replace them with a much-lower calorie alternative - maybe just protein powder mixed with frozen fruit - or at the very most, an equiv. of myoplex lite - which is about 100 calories less. gives me a little more wiggle room.

by the way, 119 grams of protein in only 1029 calories - how do you like that, C?
Edit.. I made a mistake - I actually did come in under 1000 - 986 to be exact!
Edit#2.. I discovered another mistake which revised my total to a mere 950 calories. (:
this is funny. Let me restate my spread - protein: 47%, carbs: 41%, fat: 13%

sunburned and happy

My face is peeling and my lips are chapped to the point of bleeding (literally).. but boy am I happy.

Yep, colorado was fun as hell.
Diet damage - it could have been worse. I indulged constantly during the trip, and only have two lbs to show for it. I expect to lose those 2 pronto and be back on track. I'll be extra-aggressive for a while, just to catch up a bit.

This is how we got around the backcountry in aspen:

that was freaking hard to hold on to!! and a helluva workout! but fun, too..

Given the season, late march.. Colorado was brown in the valleys. Snow had recently melted and leaves hadn't had a chance to grow yet. It reminded me a bit of california. Yech!!

Can't wait to go back there in may and see it green, like in this photograph..

Mar 27, 2007

as promised, aspen pictures!!

as promised, aspen pictures!!

But first, there are some good pics from the drive from Kansas to Aspen.

gnarly looking storm that we were approaching..

wait- holy shit- is that a funnel??

it never touched down.. but I've never seen a funnel before.

cool rain though.

finally, denver comes into view, and the rockies behind it.

From Sunday, I took only a couple of pictures:

entry shot, of a run far beyond my ability. I did ski it though (well, I didn't actually "ski" it.. I did get down it.)

here's knuckledragger taking his own entry shot.

that's it for sunday. monday pictures:

nice view from the top of the elk camp lift (snowmass)

but there was this gate at the top of the poma.. hmm.. wonder what was on the other side of this?

oooh, looks nice.. let's get a closer look..


looking further left..

i wonder what the view is like from that ridge?

yep.. worth the hike..

looking further to the right..

..and further to the right..

..and further to the right..

no wonder i can't breath up here..

knuckles and i decided to ski ajax/aspen in the afternoon.. so we took the bus over and hopped the gondi.

there isn't a house in this picture under a million dollars.

there's pyramid peak jetting out from behind the ridge.

snowmass, from aspen.

highlands, from aspen

then, on the last turn of the last run of the day..

my very first core shot!

and it's a beauty!

from the side..

I sure am glad I demo'd, and paid the extra $3 for damage insurance!

cool statue

Some time in the next couple of days, I'll post pictures of today's brief but fun backcountry experience.

Mar 26, 2007

roadtrip pics..

highlights from the trip

aspen is amazing, and will post those pictures tomorrow.

roadtrip pics:

this was in alabama. found it completely by accident. we pulled into a parking lot of a park to look at a map and figure out directions. "hey lets check this park out really quick." got out, and found the waterfall,

we learned how guys propose in alabama

this is where Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas come together.

old school gas pump

i sure wish new york and vermont would do something like this.

after 900 miles of flat, the mountain ranges of western texas come into view.

After i-20 ended by merging into i-10, we still have about 200 miles to go. texas is a big place.

a hotel in el paso. we were there because we both had to take a shit.

this is what the bridge to juarez looks like.

communist graffiti on the rio grande

a public square in juarez

a street in juarez

a market in juarez

bicycle in juarez

finally.. street meat.

the best damned taco you ever had.

buying gusano rojo brand tequila. anybody know why you can't get that in the states?

had to get some more tacos.. this time with recognizable meat. it was excellent.

this is why you walk across the border.

pedestrians still have to pay a toll though.

have a nice trip. hope you enjoyed the third world.

you get a free car wash when you cross the border.

the state of texas wants their cut for that tequila.

cool looking mountain east of las cruces, nm

nice view from the pass north of the mountains in the previous picture. the pictured valley contains a 100-mile long US Military missile range.

snapped this rainbow picture inside the valley

white sand-dunes made out of water-soluble basalt. eroded off the surrounding mountains, caught in the basin in an ancient lake. the lake dried out, the basalt precipitated, and these sand dunes were the result.

the sand is much lighter in color than normal sand dunes you see in places like the sahara or in death valley.

they've received much more rain than normal this winter, and in the lowest points in the valley (where the sand dunes are), the water table has actually risen to points above the surface.

the wind was doing its job, blowing the sand along the surface of the dunes. the dunes themselves move because of the wind, usually on the order of a couple of feet per year.

the park is completely surrounded by the missile range.

the next morning.. on the 4+ mile hike to the oklahoma highpoint, we felt like we were in a john wayne movie.

the highpoint is on one of the largest mesas in the U.S.; it extends about 40 miles.

but, like all mesas, it's pretty much flat on top. once we ascended the thing, we still had about a mile of hiking to get to the highpoint.

The highest point in oklahoma is marked by a 9-foot tall granite monument. We were 1605 miles from New York City.

It is quite close to the new mexico border

ok, after another couple hundred miles of driving, we arrived at the kansas highpoint, mt. sunflower. (note the cattle guard)

Mt. Sunflower is one of the country's more interesting highpoints.

the sunflower is made out of railroad ties.

that's it!
the shower i took when we got in saturday night felt good. really good.